
ESTUDO “O acolhimento em Portugal de pessoas vindas da Ucrânia”

O Asylum Policy Lab convida toda a comunidade a participar num estudo sobre o acolhimento em Portugal de pessoas vindas da Ucrânia – desde 24 de fevereiro de 2022 -, que pretende analisar a implementação e o funcionamento das políticas relativas à proteção temporária em Portugal e os seus resultados.

Se é um particular, uma organização da sociedade civil ou uma Câmara Municipal ativa no acolhimento de pessoas vindas da Ucrânia, participe do nosso estudo e conte-nos a sua experiência!

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Conferências académicas

Irregular Migration and (in)Security in Southern Europe

Membros da NOVA Refugee Clinic — Asylum Policy Lab & Legal Clinic organizam um painel na ECPR General Conference 2022

24/08/2022 (4a), 09:00 – 10:45, Innsbruck & online

Chair: Emellin De Oliveira NOVA School of Law

Co-Chair: João Estevens Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais, IPRI-NOVA

Panel Discussant: gabriele de angelis IFILNOVA, NOVA UNIVERSITY OF LISBON

The last decade has been showing the complex and interdependent context of global security, especially in issues such as irregular migration where the separation between internal and external security is contentious. The end of the Cold War, 9/11 terrorist attacks, and more recently the so-called “EU migration crisis” opened space for a new interest in the topic, that has partially moved from the social area to the security field, often leading towards increasing politicization and securitization – both in policy practices and discourse. Whether the object of security is the Nation-state, the global community, the European Union, or the crossing border individuals (migrants, asylum seekers, refugees), there are several challenges that emerge.

The migration-security nexus has been explored dissimilarly across time, space, and disciplines. Research has focused on transnational cooperation and aid with countries of origin and transit countries, human (in)security drivers in the countries of origin, better transnational governance, stronger border control and surveillance, the militarization of borders, enhanced FRONTEX competencies and policing instruments, detention centres, or transnational organized crime and migrants smuggling.
This panel discusses the complex relationship between irregular migration and security, focusing on Southern Europe, and it is open to contributions from different disciplines from a comparative or case study perspective. Papers that approach these issues empirically and in relation to European security, national security, or human security are particularly welcome, whether dealing with the causes, consequences or instruments that challenge the migration-security nexus.

Licença Creative Commons
Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons – Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.